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[英文] chaos的近义词 chaos的英文意思

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發表於 2016-9-26 17:53:20 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
chaos近义词:8 Q. g; h; V3 t  r# N5 Z7 I
  confusion, disorder, disturbance, mess, chaos( x9 S& v4 S$ M- ^* w6 b
4 U' o+ i0 K) \/ g3 W$ ]- U$ a  这些名词均表示事物的"混乱"状态。8 y+ a, L9 L  l# Q# D6 B) K' x- i
  confusion 指东西搅混在一起,凌乱得难以辨认;也可指思想混乱,以致无法进行正常的思维活动。
# ?3 y6 A& n$ k% v  disorder 正式用词,含义广泛。指事物因失去原有的秩序而造成混乱;也可指社会中的动乱或骚乱。/ D, ?' Z2 s# P  Z9 H
  disturbance 主要指社会中政治性的动乱、骚乱;也可指个人或少数人的闹事。9 h  `& v# x+ M# C, H
  mess 语气强,口语中较常用的非正式用词。指既混乱又肮脏,尤指人思想混乱或外表不整洁。
1 W. F% p0 W2 Y& C4 t  chaos 着重指令人无能为力或感到绝望的混乱状态。突出没有很好的组织。
& p! o& ?" c9 ^7 E' H  chaos的英语例句:" b5 l3 N& F0 H9 V) Y7 e
  1. Whatever troubles arise, we'll have peace of mind amidst seeming chaos.
* m5 x- t5 K5 m  W5 d7 S: S+ q  无论出现什么样的麻烦,我们都会在貌似混乱的情形中保持平和的心态。0 ]- m3 o1 X3 r) a: J! G
  2. Many editorials express their anxieties about the economic chaos in the country., w+ L. f9 _# {# E0 ?  T2 G
5 L, U9 `" q8 D  [5 @9 e( M  3. He needs them to stop the country sliding into chaos.& c" \+ G" F7 D. L* ^7 z
' h8 n, d9 b6 t$ x6 A- n  4. I think it's going to cause chaos personally but never mind., N. Q5 S3 \* k
' ~- A2 ?3 ~8 P9 b/ k) Q  5. The world's first transatlantic balloon race ended in chaos last night.
: ~' E; L' ~  t4 d, A/ s( B+ G# g6 f  昨晚世界第一届跨大西洋热气球比赛在一片混乱中收场。
7 ^$ \: g& N3 [. r: J7 I  6. Union officials made no apologies for the threatened chaos.
' O7 L) t' N9 Z  工会干部们对于迫在眉睫的混乱局面不予道歉。
$ A1 @+ y' ]0 v1 p6 Z2 a  7. Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.. s; L" W& |4 n+ K2 W. D
  量子力学和混沌理论都表明世界永远处于不断变化中。. m' Y3 k% D1 i$ \% i% b; X$ F3 s- P
  8. The Russian leader threw the carefully arranged welcome into chaos.& ^& o6 W3 h4 x+ U1 m
  这位俄罗斯领导人将这场精心安排的欢迎会搞成了一场闹剧。2 ]8 `+ E( b6 S  Y/ y- k7 u
  9. He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.! f( A( Z& I! @+ Y: S  c1 Q0 b
  他最终被推翻,整个国家则陷入了混乱。6 I7 D$ B. ~; I: z
  10. That's a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos.
# o9 |- s- P) c$ v) ?* t  那样做肯定会破坏经济、制造混乱。
- A! i4 D0 Y- w. o+ U! B  11. Bulgaria'seconomy has sunk into chaos.2 J' v& Y. X. F1 K$ t: i
  保加利亚的经济已陷入了混乱。% }, w6 [. l: }/ {8 }
  12. Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads.( s) d9 t- _5 v$ G" M% W
& E" T1 u5 w2 y- j6 j5 N8 v  13. His sudden departure threw the office into chaos.+ O1 z/ S; U4 X# \1 e0 M! w" }
  他的突然离去使这个部门陷入一片混乱。/ m5 L2 C$ D  c9 d: K7 e* P
  14. After the overthrow of the government, the country was in chaos.9 |; K' s) Z) A
  政府被推翻后, 这个国家处于混乱中.$ U( f1 l: e% U
  15. After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos.
- z3 X: Y2 y" h+ ]' g' Z3 I0 W2 l/ ~  停电后,城市一片混乱." |: S! Y+ U( s3 _+ U
" G' E1 P3 r( u% i3 K+ b


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