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- 2007-1-20
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- 米币
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- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
Prometheus and Man 普罗米修斯与人类
1 @( f' t( S- v% n7 O
+ m* T2 m: y" e. d+ D In the conflict between Cronus and Jupiter, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities. To him and his brother Epimetheus was now committed the office of making man and providing him and all other animals with the faculties necessary for their preservation. Epimetheus proceeded to bestow upon the different animals the various gifts of courage, strength, swiftness, and sagacity. Taking some earth and kneading it with water. Prometheus made man in the image of the gods. He gave him an upright stature. Then since Epimetheus had been so prodigal of his gifts to other animals that no blessing was left worth conferring upon the noblest of creatures, Prometheus ascended to heaven, lighted his torch at the chariot of the sun, and brought down fire. But it was only rather grudgingly that Jupiter granted mortals the use of fire.1 Q& Y- \% x$ a* P9 X
Then there came the occasion that when gods and men were in dispute at Sicyon concerning the prerogatives of each, Prometheus, by an ingenious trick, attempted to settle the question in favor of man. Dividing into two portions a sacrificial bull, he wrapped all the eatable parts in the skin, cunningly surmounted with uninviting entrails; but the bones he garnished with a plausible mass of fat. He then offered Jupiter his choice. The king of Heaven, although he perceived the intended fraud, took the heap of bones and fat, and forthwith availing himself of this insult as an excuse for punishing mankind, deprived the race of fire. But Prometheus regained the treasure, stealing it from heaven in a hollow tube.
& M9 J0 a' K: X" J$ C2 k By Jove‘s order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it.
v5 B% X" C* ] In his steadfastness to withstand the torment the Titan was supported by the knowledge that in the thirteenth generation there should arrive a hero, - sprung from Jove himself, - to release him. And in fullness of time the hero did arrive: none other than the mighty Hercules. No higher service, thinks this radiant and masterful personage, remains to be performed than to free the champion of mankind. Hercules utters these words to the Titan --5 A) c7 L0 V( A7 z
The soul of man can never be enslaved
7 N8 K2 b+ X( {( F Save by its own infirmities, nor freed. u3 J) o" m+ {9 z
Save by its very strength and own resolve, O! n) w) f8 r* ?
And constant vision and supreme endeavor!
5 U6 F' Z5 s" L3 ]' ^& R You will be free? Then, courage, O my brother!0 R, T. G; i/ g8 [' H" e9 O& {& R
O let the soul stand in the open door$ f. Z1 A, J2 v" Q
Of life and death and knowledge and desire
6 b, C8 ~) [" f' d6 x& M0 K; h% Z( K And see the peaks of thought kindle with sunrise!9 g4 B' u& v0 u1 G
Then shall the soul return to rest no more,5 e. K5 w" Y& T8 H& [
Nor harvest dreams in the dark field of sleep -
+ | k6 g2 B" x% ~% a8 O' f Rather the soul shall go with great resolve' O3 {& X' a2 A" ]: L( }& @
To dwell at last upon the shining mountains
( h0 X# P+ r' n( B1 G In liberal converse with the eternal stars.+ _& g( X" j' _! B. E
Thereupon he kills the eagle; and sets Jove‘s victim free.
$ U! |( f" g* Y 在克洛诺斯反对朱庇特的斗争中,普罗米修斯站到了奥林波斯山诸神的一边。后来塑造人和赋予人和其他所有动物以生存本领的任务就交给了他和他的弟弟厄庇墨透斯。厄庇墨透斯将勇敢、力气、快速、伶俐等天赋分别赐予各种动物。普罗米修斯则用土和水揉成了泥,照着神的模样捏出了人;他使人呈站立的姿势。厄庇墨透斯把各种天资都慷慨地赠予了其他动物,竟没有剩下什么象样的天赋能赐给最崇高的被造物了。于是普罗米修斯升到天上,在太阳马车那里点燃了一只火把,将火送到地上来。可是,朱庇特却是不大乐意允准人们用火的。有一次,神和人在西锡安对各自的权限争执不休,普罗米修斯耍了一个聪明的计谋,企图使问题的解决对人类有利。他把一头献祭用的牛分为两份,把所有可食用的部分包在牛皮里,并狡滑地在上面摆满不招人喜欢的内脏;把骨头用一层肥脂裹起来,看上去象是好肉。然后他让朱庇特挑选。天国之王看穿了他的阴谋诡计,但还是挑了那堆骨头和肥膘,从而利用这一侮辱为借口剥夺人类使用火的权利。但是普罗米修斯用一根空心管子从天府偷盗火种,再次取得了宝贵的天火。
0 k& C, ?7 A4 _5 z) { 为此,朱庇特命令将普罗米修斯锁在高加索山上的一块绝岩峭壁上,成年累月地受着一头老鹰的折磨,它天天啄食他的肝脏却总不能把它吃光。这位提坦巨人坚忍不拔地忍受着煎熬,因为他知道在第十三代时就会有一个英雄---朱庇特的亲儿子---来解救他。果然不爽,时候一到英雄真的来了。他不是别人,就是那个力大无穷的海格立斯。这个奋焕英伟的人物认为他需要作的最大贡献莫过于解救这个人类的卫士。海格立斯向提坦巨人说:" f: t' C6 q7 c, n+ K6 v
4 k5 k5 O: L+ L& b2 \7 m 除非自身变得脆弱;也永远不能得解放---
5 W4 w# I- ^" P! S 除非自身充满决心和力量,以及7 u4 ^( g% d* \: e0 l) {/ A+ P
, e8 h- y0 v2 N- y4 U 想自由吗?那就鼓起勇气,我的兄弟!
7 m R% w) l0 a6 o 啊!让灵魂站在生与死,知与欲' Q/ ]: n( _* w7 x
0 p, ^9 l9 O% B/ `7 b: g 见到旭日点燃思想的顶峰!3 g# L c% S; X- q6 N5 y" M
' l1 ?9 u! o$ {! A1 l$ c 或在黑色的睡乡中收获梦幻---2 E+ Q2 e9 W9 v' n# i
* [0 E3 G. s6 o5 n7 |- M* o8 ] 直上光芒万丈的山巅
! {1 j* P1 V0 \. I: ~9 b) a 和不落的群星自由交谈。 A% M6 X" E1 y7 g2 H
8 {& M4 E/ k6 T$ z* E, m/ a
2 ^( p# m3 W# Z7 |) }8 V |